UEC Approves MUP and KSPP: Parties with Election Wins Return Under Myanmar Junta Rule

Myanmar Junta-appointed Union Election Commission recently approved two political parties - Kachin State People's Party (KSPP) and Mon Unity Party (MUP) to register as political parties. 

UEC approved the application of KSPP to register as a political party, announced on August 19, 2024. KSPP is a merger of the Kachin State Democracy Party (KSDP) with the Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State and the Kachin Democratic Party in June 2019. It won 1 seat in Pyithu Hluttaw and 3 seats in Kachin State Hluttaw in both the 2015 (as KSDP) and 2020 elections respectively. 

MUP's registration as a political party was approved and announced by UEC on September 9, 2024. According to Mizzima, MUP had to wait for a lengthy period for approval, as the application was submitted on March 15, 2023. MUP secured 12 seats - 3 in Amyotha Hluttaw, 2 in Pyithu Hluttaw, 6 in Mon State Hluttaw, and 1 for Mon Ethnic Affairs Minister in Kayin State in the 2020 general election. According to Mizzima's article, the alignment of two MUP leaders Nai Layi Tama and Dr. Banyar Aung Moe with the military council has received increasing public criticism from the Mon community and led to several party members' resignations. 

As of September 9, 2024, 50 political parties have been approved for registration by junta-appointed UEC.