Crimes against journalists

Freedom of speech is critical to free and fair elections. Since the military staged a coup in Myanmar they have perpetrated a regime to crush free speech. This has included a growing list of humanitarian crimes against journalists and media outlets reporting in and on behalf of the country.

This is a living page detailing those crimes, which is updated monthly.

If you would like to contact us about a crime against a journalist, please reach out to [email protected]


17 November
Release of arbitrarily arrested journalist Ye Yint Tun

Ye Yint Tun, a reporter with the Myanmar Herald news website, was first arrested on February 28, 2021, while covering a protest in Pathein, and was held in pretrial detention until his sentencing. On March 23, 2022, a special court in the city of Pathein sentenced Ye Yint Tun to two years in prison for allegedly violating Section 505(a) and 505(b) of the penal code. Ye Yint was among the six media personnel to be released in the Myanmar junta's mass amnesty on November 17, 2022. 

Source 1, Source 2


17 November
Release of arbitrarily arrested freelance journalist La Pyae

Myanmar freelance journalist La Pyae, a contributor to the local Bago Weekly news publication, was arrested on April 5, 2021, under unclear circumstances, and was held at Pyay Prison in the Bago Region. La Pyae was among the six media personnel to be released in the Myanmar junta's mass amnesty on November 17, 2022. 

Source 1, Source 2

17 November
Release of arbitrarily arrested freelance photographer San Myint

It was reported that a freelance photographer, San Myint was arrested any reason by terrorists on 2 May near Aungchanthar St 4, Pathein City, Ayeywarwaddy Region.  The family of San Myint is concerned that they haven’t known where the arrest has been taken. San Myint was among the six media personnel to be released in the Myanmar junta's mass amnesty on November 17, 2022. 


26 October
Revocation of The Irrawaddy's Media License

The junta-controlled Ministry of Information announced via state media on 26 October 2022 that the news outlet has been banned and its license revoked, accusing it of damaging “state security, rule of law and public tranquility” through its reporting. 

07 October
Sentencing of Sithu Aung Myint, Voice of America reporter

Sithu Aung Myint, a columnist for news site Frontier Myanmar and commentator with Voice of America Radio was arrested on August 15, 2021. He was charged with sedition and spreading false information. On October 7, 2022, Insein Prison court in Yangon convicted and sentenced Sithu Aung Myint to three years in prison with hard labour.


20 September
Arrest of freelance reporter, Pho Thiha from Myauk-U, Rakhine Township

Ko Pho Thiha is freelance reporter in Myauk-U Township, and he was arrested and taken to Myoma Police Station in Myauk-U on 20 September 2022.

18 September
Arrest of journalist, Ko Ko Oo from Shuu Dounk Journal in Taunggup, Rakhine

On 18 September, security forces arrested Ko Ko Oo, a journalist of Shuu Dounk journal along with a local resident named Ko Soe Win Che from Guta ward in Taungkot. Their families haven’t got any update of them. 

15 September
Sentencing of BBC reporter, Htet Htet Khine

Htet Htet Khine was arrested in last year and today military junta’s kangaroo Bahan Township Court sentenced her for 3 years imprisonment with hard labour. She was accused of breaching article 505 (A) and 17 (1).

04 September
Arrest of reporter of Voice of Mandalay Social Media News Agency, Ma Yu Wai Myint in Mandalay

Ma Yu Wai Myint is admin and in charge of Voice of Mandalay Social Media News Agency and she was arrested on 4 September 2022 when she was at home in Aung Myay Tharzan Township. Military junta took her to interrogation centre in Mandalay Place and it was reported that she was tortured and beaten by military.

29 August
Revocation of Kantarawaddy Times' Media License

The junta revoked the publication license of the Kantarawaddy Times, a Karenni-based news outlet on August 29, 2022. 

24 August
Sentencing of Ex-Irrawaddy News Agency Photojournalist, Ko Zaw Zaw @ Diana in Mandalay

 Ko Zaw Zaw @ Diana was arrested on 10 April 2022 at home and accused of breaching article 505 (A) by military junta. He was in interrogation centre for nearly one month and finally he was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment on 24 August 2022.

30 July
Killing of freelance photojournalist Aye Kyaw in Sagaing

On July 30, military authorities arrested Aye Kyaw, a member of the Upper Myanmar Photography Association who had photographed anti-junta protests, at his home in the city of Sagaing, according to reports. Afternoon of same day, Aye Kyaw’s family was told that Aye Kyaw had died in custody and his body was being held at the Sagaing City Hospital.

30 July
Arrest of Japanese reporter, Toru Kubota in Yangon

Toru Kubota, Japanese documentary filmmaker, was detained in South Dagon Township, Yangon Region, along with two protesters, while documenting an anti-regime rally against the executions of four pro-democracy activists. He had been charged with incitement under 505(a) of the Penal Code and for breaching visa rules under Article 13 of the Immigration Act.

12 June
Arrest of ex-journalist, Ye Naing Swe in Shwe Min Wun Ward, Sagaing Township

Ye Naing Swe is an ex-journalist and military junta came and arrested him at his home in Shwe Min Wun Ward, Sagaing Township on 12 June 2022. Nobody knows reason of arrest and he has been detained in No(1) Local Police Station in Sagaing Township. 

18 May
Sentencing of a Shan journalist, Than Soe Aung

A Shan journalist, Than Soe Aung, based in Namsang, southern Shan State, was sentenced to five years in prison by a military tribunal on 18 May, reports DVB. The sentence came after being detained for two months, according to sources close to the journalist. He was arrested at his home in the first week of March and was charged with incitement and spreading misinformation under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code.

11 May
Arrest of freelance journalist from Maekhong News Agency, Maung Maung Myo in Pha-an Township, Karen State

It was reported that Maung Maung Myo, freelance journalist of Maekhong News Agency was arrested on the bus heading to Mandalay in Pha-an Township on 11 May 2022. Security forces found some social media posts which are against military coup in his phone.

05 April
Sentencing of Win Naing Oo, Chief Reporter of Channel Mandalay TV news in Mandalay

Ko Win Naing Oo is a Chief Reporter of Mandalay TV News was arrested in Mandalay on 31 August 2021. He was initially charged under Article 505(a) of the penal code and detained in Oh Bo Prison. On 5 April 2022, a military controlled court in Oh Bo Prison sentenced him to five years in prison. 

05 April
Sentencing of Shwe Lynn Thit @ Khine Myint Tun, reporter of Golden Triangle News Agency in Taungyi, Shan State

Ko Khin Myint Tun @ Shwe Lynn Thit is a reporter from Golden Traingle News Agency and he was arrested at his home on 11 July 2021. Military charged him with Counter Terrorism Act 51 (D) and now sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment on 5 April 2022. 

31 March
Sentencing of reporter of Dakkhina Insight News Agency, Naing Lun Htun in Dawei Township

Ko Naing Lin Htun, reporter of Dakkhina Insight News based in Dawei, was shot with live ammunition while he’s covering the protest news and forcibly abducted by military junta on 19 December 21. He’s been charged with 3 absurd charges and junta-controlled court sentenced to him for 3 years imprisonment on 31 March 2021.

28 March
Arrest of freelance journalist, Nay Naw in Karen State

A freelance journalist based in Myawaddy, Karen State—across the border from Thailand—has been charged with violating Section 505a of the Penal Code for incitement, according to a family friend.

While the reason for his arrest has not been confirmed, the source said that Nay Naw, also known as Myo Naung Naung Zaw, was accused of incitement after a March 27 report he published on social media.
