Crimes against journalists

Freedom of speech is critical to free and fair elections. Since the military staged a coup in Myanmar they have perpetrated a regime to crush free speech. This has included a growing list of humanitarian crimes against journalists and media outlets reporting in and on behalf of the country.

This is a living page detailing those crimes, which is updated monthly.

If you would like to contact us about a crime against a journalist, please reach out to [email protected]


21 August
Killing of Win Htut Oo, DVB journalist in Mon State

Myanmar military killed Win Htut Oo, a citizen journalist working with DVB during a raid on the home of another journalist, Htet Myat Thu, who was also killed. 

21 August
Killing of Htet Myat Thu, reporter with Than Lwin Times, in Mon State

Myanmar military raided Htet Myat Thu's house and killed him along with Win Htut Oo, a DVB journalist. 

29 July
The Death of Nay Lin Htike, former DVB reporter

Nay Lin Htike, former freelance reporter for DVB, was arrested in early 2022, and sentenced to eight years in Daik-U Prison under Section 505 (A) of the Penal Code while he was suffering from oral cancer. He was transferred to Insein Prison in July 2022 to be given treatment as his condition worsened and he died from cancer inside Insein Prison on 29 July, 2024. 

29 June
Sentencing Htet Aung, Reporter from Development Media Group

On October 29, 2023, approximately 20 soldiers and police officers from Rakhine raided the office of independent media outlet the Development Media Group (DMG), arresting local reporter Htet Aung and a security guard and seizing cameras, computers, and documents. 

On June 28, 2024, a court in Sittwe sentenced Htet Aung to five years in prison with hard labor, under section 52(a) of the Anti-Terrorism Law. 

15 May
Sentencing Myo Myint Oo, Dawei Watch Journalist, to Life in Prison

Myo Myint Oo, a journalist at local media outlet Dawei Watch was arrested by the Myanmar junta in Dawei, Tanintharyi region on December 11, 2023, along with another Dawei Watch journalist Aung San Oo. The military court in Myeik Prison sentenced Myo Myint Oo to life in prison on May 15, 2024. 

16 February
Sentencing Aung San Oo, Dawei Watch Journalist

Aung San Oo, a journalist at local media outlet Dawei Watch was arrested by the Myanmar junta in Dawei, Tanintharyi region on December 11, 2023, along with another Dawei Watch journalist Myo Myint Oo. The military court in Myeik Prison sentenced Aung San Oo to 20 years on February 16, 2024. 

31 January
Journalist Myat Thu Tan @ Phoe Thiha shot and killed while in military custody

Myat Thu Tan, a journalist who contributed to several media outlets including the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and local online outlet Western News, was shot and killed on January 31 while in military custody in Mrauk-U in Rakhine State.  

27 January
Revocation of licenses of two publishing houses

On January 27, 2024, Myanmar junta's Ministry of Information revoked the licenses of two publishing houses "Toe Myit" and "La Pyae Lin" for allegedly violating the Section 8(b) of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise Law, which punishes “show things which can harass national security, rules of law, public order or the rights of every citizen such as equality, freedom and balance of law”.

10 January
Former journalist and documentary filmmaker Shin Daewe sentenced to life in prison

Shin Daewe was arbitrarily arrested in North Oakkalapa, Yangon on 15 October, 2023. On 10 January, 2024, the military court in the Insein Prison in Yangon sentenced her to life imprisonment. She was given maximum sentence under Section 5(j) of the Counterterrorism Law for allegedly "abetting" terrorism. 

04 January
Release of Kaung Sett Lin, Photojournalist at Myanmar Pressphoto Agency (MPA)

Kaung Sett Lin, MPA's photojournalist was released from Insein prison as part of the junta's mass amnesty of January 4, 2024. 

Kaung Sett Lin and videographer Hmu Yadanar Khet Moh Moh Tun of the independent Myanmar Pressphoto Agency were arrested by the junta on December 5, 2021, while they were covering a flash mob protest on Pan Pin Gyi Road in Yangon. Both were in a military hospital due to injuries sustained at the event. Security forces opened fire on the protesters, killing at least five people in the melee. Hmu Yadanar remains imprisoned, having received a 10-year sentence. 


24 December
Revocation of Mekong News Media License

Mekong News Agency's Media License was revoked on December 24, 2023 for allegedly breaching the Article 8 of the Publishing Act, announced junta-controlled Ministry of Information. 

29 October
Raid of Development Media Group in Rakhine State

On October 29, approximately 20 soldiers and police officers from Rakhine raided the office of independent media outlet the Development Media Group (DMG), arresting local reporter Htet Aung and a security guard and seizing cameras, computers, and documents. 

06 September
Sentencing Myanmar Now Photojournalist Sai Zaw Thaike

Sai Zaw Thaike was arrested in western Rakhine state while he was reporting for Myanmar Now on the fallout from Cyclone Mocha on May 23 and he faced four charges, including breaching a natural disaster law and a telecommunications law. On September 6, 2023, a court inside Yangon's Insein Prison jailed him for 20 years, the longest-known prison term for a media professional since the 2021 coup. Myanmar Now has indicated that the charges for which Sai Zaw Thaike has been convicted remain unclear. He had been detained without access to a lawyer or family visits in advance of the trial.

07 July
Release of Kyaw Min Swe, Editor of Aasan Newspaper

Kyaw Min Swe was arrested at his home in Yangon on April 11, 2023, shortly after his Facebook profile photo was updated to show a black square in an apparent comment about an airstrike earlier that day on Pazi Gyi, a village in the center of Myanmar. He was released on 7 July, 2023, almost three months after his detention.


05 July
Sentencing The Irrawaddy's Former Publisher Thaung Win

Thaung Win, the ex-publisher of The Irrawaddy, an independent news organization, received a five-year prison sentence on charges of sedition. He was apprehended at his residence in September 2022 and initially accused of breaching the Publishing and Distribution Act.

10 June
Revocation of Ayeyarwaddy Times Media License

On June 10, 2023, the junta-controlled Ministry of Information revoked the Ayeyarwaddy Times’ media license for allegedly breaching Article 8 of the Publishing Act. 

26 May
Sentencing of two citizen journalists, Kaung Sett Lin and Hmu Yadanar Khet Moh Moh Tun in Yangon

Military junta arrested photojournalist Kaung Sett Lin and videographer Hmu Yadanar Khet Moh Moh Tun, both with the independent Myanmar Pressphoto Agency, on December 5, 2021, while they were covering a flash mob protest on Pan Pin Gyi Road in the commercial capital Yangon. Both were in a military hospital due to injuries sustained at the event. On December 21, 2022, the Insein Prison Court sentenced both to three years in prison with hard labour. Hmu Yadanar Khet Moh Moh Tun was sentenced to an additional ten years imprisonment on May 26, 2023, which means she stands to spend 13 years in prison. 

Source, Source

03 May
Release of arbitrarily arrested freelance journalist Yin Yin Thein

Daw Yin Yin Thein (Nabar), free journalist from Indaw Township, Sagaing Region was arrested by military junta on 18 November at 11 pm at her home. During their arrest, she was beaten and shouted, and no one was allowed to see the scene by junta. Yin Yin Thein was released on May 3, 2023 in an amnesty on so-called 'humanitarian grounds.'


03 May
Release of arbitrarily arrested photojournalist, Zaw Tun

A photo journalist, Zaw Tun was arrested on Human Rights Day , 10 December in 2021. He was taken by military junta while he and his colleague were taking photos of empty streets during a ‘silent strike’ in Myanmar. Zaw Tun was released on May 3, 2023. 


03 May
Release of arbitrarily arrested freelance student journalist Zaw Lin Htut

It was reported that Zaw Lin Htut, a former member of the University Students’ Union Alumini Force as well as a freelance reporter was arrested on 19 December while he was going to join the protest in Thingangyun Township. He was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment on Mar 31, 2022. Zaw Lin Htut was released on May 3, 2023 in an amnesty on so-called ‘humanitarian grounds.’

