Updated: List of Political Parties Abolished by Myanmar Junta-Appointed Union Election Commission

On the evening of March 28, 2023, the junta-appointed Union Election Commission (UEC) released a statement declaring that 41 political parties, which include the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Shan National League for Democracy (SNLD), have had their registration cancelled and have been dissolved. 

The decision of the military-controlled UEC has been strongly condemned by the US Department of State and the European Parliament, with the former stating, "The military regime’s decision to dissolve the political parties shows its continued contempt for the popular will of Burma’s people and multi-party democracy" and it "further demonstrates that the regime’s plans for deeply flawed elections, if held, will not represent the will of Burma’s voters."

Two additional political parties have been abolished since then and we have updated the list of abolished political parties below:

  1. Inn National Development Party (INDP)
  2. Lahu National Development Party
  3. Democratic Party (Myanmar)
  4. Kayen National Party
  5. Ta’ang (Palaung) National Party
  6. Party for Democracy and Peace
  7. Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP)
  8. Wunthanu Democratic Party
  9. National Democratic Party for Development
  10. Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP)
  11. Kaman National Development Party
  12. Bamar People’s Party
  13. National League for Democracy (NLD)
  14. Democratic Party for a New Society
  15. Myanmar National Congress Party
  16. Asho Chin National Party
  17. Shan National League for Democracy (SNLD)
  18. United National Congress Party
  19. National Prosperity Party
  20. Dawei Nationalities Party
  21. Federal Union Party
  22. Union Pa-O National Organization
  23. Khumi (Khami) National Party
  24. Democratic Party for a New Society
  25. Karen National Party
  26. Mro National Democracy Party
  27. Guiding Star Party
  28. 88 Generation Democracy Party
  29. Lhaovo National Unity and Development Party
  30. New Era Union Party
  31. Zo National Region Development Party
  32. National Development Party
  33. Daingnet National Development Party
  34. Arakan League for Democracy Party
  35. Kayah State Democratic Party
  36. National United Democratic Party (NUDP)
  37. The Yeomanry Development Party (YDP)
  38. Chin National League for Democracy Party
  39. Chin National Party (CNP)
  40. Kachin National Party
  41. Alliance of Myanmar’s Worker and Farmer Party (AMWFP)
  42. Shan State Kokang Democratic Party (SSKDP)
  43. Mro Nationality Party

(Remarks: The first 41 parties belong to the list of parties dissolved by the junta-appointed UEC as announced in the statement released in March 2023. The 42nd and 43rd parties in the list - SSKDP and MNP were abolished after re-/registration with the junta-appointed UEC.)

(Disclaimer: The information presented here is accurate as of 1 April, 2024. New developments will be promptly updated on this live page.)