"Our History will depend on what we do today" - Chin National Front opposes SAC's sham election

Pu Zing Cung, Chairman of the Chin National Front, used his New Year message to praise the courage of the Chin people and to reject the military’s sham election.

He wrote that in the last year, many Chin people had lost their lives, their homes and their churches to military offences. The Chin State has been one of the most violent since the coup, with widespread destruction and displacement in towns like Mindat, and most recently around the CNF headquarters at Mount Victoria. Reflecting this, Pu Zing Cung acknowledged the bravery of the Chin:

“We praise Chin people … and we would like to thank everyone single one who helps our national revolution.”

Pu Zing Cung then stated the CNF’s formal position:

“We unequivocally reject the military’s plan to hold elections, and we ask political parties and people not to participate.”

Explaining this decision, he said:

“It is merely a ploy to prolong military rule, designed to keep international pressure off of the SAC.”

Pu Zing Cung ended the press release by looking forward into 2023:

“Our history will depend on what we do today. We urge all Chin people to participate in every way to accomplish quickly what we set out to do.”