Live Update: List of Political Parties Applying for Re-/Registration in the Junta's Controversial Election

This live page provides a list of Myanmar political parties that have submitted applications for newly founded or re-registered status with the Union Election Commission (UEC) appointed by the junta, despite widespread criticism of the junta-proposed sham election.

The new Political Parties Law was announced by the Myanmar junta on January 26, 2023. According to Human Rights Watch, the new law will “prevent key members of the political opposition from running in upcoming elections,” and it “prohibits anyone previously convicted of a crime or serving a prison term from joining a political party.” It means that many members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) leadership who, for the time being, are being detained or imprisoned under fabricated charges by the junta will be disqualified. A news article from the AP also reported that the new law will “make it difficult for opposition groups to mount a serious challenge to army-backed candidates in a general election set to take place later this year.”

List of political parties newly founded or re-registered with the junta-appointed Union Election Commission (UEC):

1. Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)*

2. Myanmar People’s Democratic Party (MPD)

3. Federal Democratic Party (FDP)

4. Union Democratic Party (UDP)*

5. Democratic Force Labour Party

6. Pa-O National Organization (PNO)

7. New Democracy Party (Kachin)

8. Public Contribute Students Party*

9. New National Democracy Party

10. Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party

11. Arakan Front Party (AFP)

12. Shan and Nationalities Democratic Party (previously known as Shan Nationalities Democratic Party, SNDP)*

13. National Unity Party*

14. People Strength Party

15. Wun Thar Nu Party

16. Democratic Party

17. Kachin State People's Party (KSPP)

18. Lisu National Development Party

19. Tai-leng Nationalities Development Party (TNDP)

20. Shan-ni Solidarity Party (SSP)

21. The Party for People 

22. Kha Mee National Development Party

23. United Nationalities Democracy Party

24. Rakhine State National United Party (RSNUP)

25. People's Pioneer Party* (PPP)

26. Mon Unity Party (MUP)

27. Myanmar Farmers' Development Party*

28. Public of Labour Party

29. Akha National Development Party

30. Democratic Party of National Politics* (DNP)

31. Kachin National Congress (KNC)

32. Arakan National Party (ANP)

33. New Society Party (NSP)

34. National Interest Development Party

35. National Political Alliances (NPA)

36. Inn National League Party

37. Kokang Democracy and Unity Party (KKDUP)

38. National Democratic Force Party* (NDF) 

39. Union Peace and Unity Party*

40. Karen National Democratic Party

(*Political parties running at the union level; the parties without the asterisk are running at the state/regional level.)

(Disclaimer: The information presented here is accurate as of March 24, 2023. New developments will be promptly updated on this live page.)