The New York Times | The Country That Bombs Its Own People

A new report by The New York Times that include visual evidence, data, and interviews shows the worsening campaign of terror committed by the Myanmar military. 

"Internet shutdowns and digital surveillance prevent much information from trickling beyond Myanmar’s borders. But behind the veil of secrecy, the military is carrying out a devastating and indiscriminate campaign of violence.

Even for a country long notorious for military abuses, the violence and humanitarian crisis now are unprecedented, many experts say."

"Nearly everyone who spoke to The Times said they lived in constant fear. Even outside the most active conflict zones, the military carries out extensive monitoring to suppress support for the opposition. Any hint of resistance can lead to arrest."

“In Myanmar, people die every day because the army kills them, but we don't even dare to change our profile picture on Facebook to a black screen as a sign of mourning,” said U Thet Swe, a businessman in Yangon. “We are living in such a situation that we do not dare to mourn the death of our own citizens.”

Read the full report here.